Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary Update
jeu. 28 mars
Please join Inov Sectionov, the Indonesia program director for IRF, as he updates the membership on the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary.

Time & Location
28 mars 2024, 11:00
About the Event
Sumatran rhinos have an important role as a seed disperser for ecosystem stability. Only 80 individuals left in the world, have been declared extinct in the wild Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Kerinci Seblat NP, Sumatra. The Sumatran rhino population is still facing a massive threat both external and internal. An internal threat to the Sumatran rhinos that has been identified is the low capability to breed since the remaining individuals are scattered in a fragmented habitat. Therefore, the Sumatran rhinos are classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN (2008) and are perilously close to extinction. The Indonesian government is very aware that the small population of Sumatran rhinos is vulnerable to extinction. The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, has issued a Circular Letter concerning Directions for Implementing Priority Activities for Sumatran Rhino Management.
In terms of protecting Sumatran rhino, Rhino Protection Units (RPUs) in southern Sumatra and the Wildlife Protection Team (WPT) have been operating since 1995. RPU and WPT presence helps to prevent poaching and encroachment; the teams monitor and protect Sumatran rhino, along with other threatened species and the overall habitat.
The Sumatran Rhino breeding program in Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary, Way Kambas National Park in the last two years has resulted in one calf in 2022 and 2 more pregnancies in 2023 from a total number of 5 calves throughout its history. This number of calves born at SRS Way Kambas reached 41% of its total population since it was operated in 1998, and 5 out of 8 rhinos were born in captivity. In 2024, Sumatran rhinos number kept in SRS will be increased from 8 to 10 rhinoceros as a result of the breeding program.
This situation will require additional browse supplies, laboratory and medicinal supplies, adequate keepers and other technical staff present, and a strong safeguarding system. Regarding establishing strong relationships with local communities and fostering a sense of ownership of reforestation efforts, we support a restoration program that involves the local community surrounding the national park in conducting restoration activities, guarding the site, and also in the planning and decision-making process. We had successfully planted more or less 150,000 trees, from savana becoming forest and habitat for many wildlife. We also created Eco-printing training to enable community members to generate income from non-timber forest products where women groups can produce eco-printing fabric products. Join IRKA and Inov to hear more March 28th. Time TBD!